Baby NamesNewsAthlete Michael Phelps and His Wife Nicole Discuss Their 4th Baby's Gender...

Athlete Michael Phelps and His Wife Nicole Discuss Their 4th Baby’s Gender and Potential Names

Michael Phelps and Wife Nicole Phelps Expecting Fourth Baby Boy

Earlier this week, Nicole Phelps, the wife of Olympian Michael Phelps, confirmed that they are expecting their fourth child. In fact, Nicole revealed exclusive details about their upcoming addition to the family during an interview with TODAY. She divulged the baby’s sex and also shared possible names they’re considering for the baby. The couple already has three sons named Boomer, Beckett, and Maverick. Speaking about the baby’s sex, the former Miss California expressed her feelings by saying, “I always thought it’d be lovely to have a girl for Michael to experience the father-daughter bond I cherished while growing up. However, I’m a firm believer in being given what’s meant for you, and I’m thrilled about expecting another son.” Despite numerous opinions about the baby’s sex, Nicole didn’t pay much heed. “Even when people express their opinions about needing a daughter, I simply reply, ‘Not really.’”

Thoughts Towards Motherhood and Welcoming Another Child into the Phelps Family

When it came to the name choice for their fourth son, the Phelps sons have a particular favorite – Drifter. Quoting the family joke, Nicole said, “They’re all fond of the name Drifter for the baby. In fact, it’s the ongoing family humor that we would name the baby Drifter.” Expressing the joy of her existing sons, she added, “The boys are genuinely thrilled about meeting their new brother. Managing four boys will certainly be a whirlwind but also a joy.”

Upon confirming the news of her pregnancy, Nicole admitted her need to adjust to the news. She reflected, “Michael noticed the change in me right after I took the test. He thought I appeared shell-shocked, whereas he was immediately overjoyed. As a mother, I comprehend the commitments and sacrifices that come with a new baby. In fact, I see this as pretty much dedicating two years of my life for my new baby. However, we’re incredibly excited and rather than labeling this as a surprise, I’d say he’s the delightful addition we weren’t expecting, but absolutely wanted.”

The news of another Phelps baby boy has been embraced with joy by all. The happy couple has been inundated with good wishes for their son’s impending arrival.

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