Baby NamesGirlChrysanthemum


The name Chrysanthemum is a girl’s name meaning “gold flower”. Chrysanthemum has a numerology number of 6.

Ahead, we take a look at the meaning of the name Chrysanthemum, its origin, numerology, letter analysis, personality, and destiny number. We will also look at similar names to Chrysanthemum and more.

Female ♀️
“gold flower”
Expression Number
Heart’s Desire Number
Personality Number

Chrysanthemum Meaning & Origin

Chrysanthemum is a unique flower name that is rarely used. It has a special significance in Japan as a symbol of the sun and is also associated with meditation. The name is particularly popular among parents who have autumn babies and are searching for unique nature-themed names for their daughters. Starting with the letter C, Chrysanthemum is one of the most distinctive names in this category.

Despite its rarity and beauty, the name Chrysanthemum has been the subject of teasing in the past. In Kevin Henkes’ 1991 children’s book of the same name, a young mouse named Chrysanthemum loves her name until her classmates make fun of it. The book highlights the importance of self-confidence and self-love, encouraging children to embrace their unique names and identities.

Chrysanthemum Popularity & Trends

As of this writing, Chrysanthemum has not gained significant popularity or traction, and it is not currently featured in any of our curated lists of trending names.

Similar Names like Chrysanthemum

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Destiny Number

Destiny Number (Expression Number) explores life’s goal and the person you should be. It shows the strengths you need to develop and use to have a happy life.

The name Chrysanthemum has a destiny number of 6. The meaning of destiny number 6 is often associated with the nurturing and diplomatic qualities that make an individual a comforting presence in others' lives. To prevent feelings of martyrdom or exploitation, it is crucial to strike a balance between giving and receiving.

Personality Number

Personality Number shows a person’s traits and how people initially perceive him/her. Knowing this number helps you understand how others see you and influences who and what enters your life.

The name Chrysanthemum has a personality number of 6. Individuals with personality number 6 are kind, nurturing individuals with remarkable inner beauty and a strong focus on character over appearance. However, they are sensitive to criticism, often worry excessively about finances, and could benefit from increased resilience and more rational spending habits.

Heart’s Desire Number

The Heart’s Desire Number, sometimes referred to as the Soul Urge number – is a number that shows your genuine motivation and goals in life. It can guide you if you’re feeling lost or unsure of your purpose.

The name Chrysanthemum has a heart’s desire number of 9, which means you are a genuine humanitarian with profound social awareness. You're attracted to roles that allow you to improve the world, such as teaching, law, writing, and healing. At times, you may be excessively dramatic, causing unnecessary commotion, but finding inner peace and satisfaction in your actions diminishes those habits. By continuously following your conscience, you'll achieve fulfillment and prosperity.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of the name Chrysanthemum?
The meaning of Chrysanthemum is “gold flower”.

Gender of the name Chrysanthemum?
Typically, Chrysanthemum is a girl‘s name.

What is the origin of the name Chrysanthemum?
The name Chrysanthemum origin is Greek.

How do you pronounce Chrysanthemum?
The name “Chrysanthemum” is pronounced as /kr??sæn??m?m/ (krih-SAN-thuh-muhm).

What is Destiny Number of the name Chrysanthemum?
The Destiny Number of Chrysanthemum is 6.

Come back in the near future. We will continue to update the information and interesting facts about name Chrysanthemum.

Last update: June 2024

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