
The name Atalanta is a girl’s name of Greek origin. Atalanta has a numerology number of 7.

Below, we take a look at the meaning of the name Atalanta, its origin, numerology, letter analysis, personality, and destiny number. We will also look at similar names to Atalanta and much more.

Female ♀️
Greek mythology name
Expression Number
Heart’s Desire Number
Personality Number

Atalanta Meaning & Origin

Atalanta, a mythological figure, has been widely celebrated for her strong will and exceptional athletic abilities. According to the myth, Atalanta vowed to marry only the man who could defeat her in a footrace. Her determination and independence make her a notable role model, especially for women. The story of Atalanta has been retold in various literary works, including Ovid’s Metamorphoses and Swinburne’s Atalantis in Calydon.

The legend of Atalanta has become a symbol of female empowerment, inspiring women to pursue their dreams fearlessly. Her commitment to her principles and her refusal to conform to societal norms is particularly inspiring. Moreover, the tale of Atalanta has been depicted in various art forms, including paintings, sculptures, and literature. Her story continues to captivate audiences, serving as a reminder of the strength and resilience of women.

Interestingly, Swinburne’s version of Atalanta’s story, titled Atalantis in Calydon, adds an extra ‘a’ to the name, perhaps to create a more melodious and romantic sound. This alteration further emphasizes the myth’s romantic and poetic qualities, making it a popular subject for artistic interpretation. The tale of Atalanta, in all its forms, remains a timeless testament to the power of the human spirit and the enduring human desire for freedom and equality.

Atalanta Popularity & Trends

As of this writing, Atalanta has not gained significant popularity or traction, and it is not currently featured in any of our curated lists of trending names.

Similar Names like Atalanta

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Destiny Number

Destiny Number (Expression Number) explores life’s goal and the person you should be. It shows the strengths you need to develop and use to have a happy life.

The name Atalanta has a destiny number of 7. The meaning of destiny number 7 is often associated with a wisdom-seeking individual who possesses a deep spiritual nature and is focused on understanding life's meaning. Striking a balance between solitude and connection is essential, as their purpose involves teaching, guiding, and counseling others.

Personality Number

Personality Number shows a person’s traits and how people initially perceive him/her. Knowing this number helps you understand how others see you and influences who and what enters your life.

The name Atalanta has a personality number of 3. Individuals with personality number 3 are skilled conversationalists with exceptional communication abilities and creativity, making it easy for them to make friends and seize opportunities. They excel in various aspects of life due to their quick decision-making skills, but they should strive to improve their occasional manipulative tendencies.

Heart’s Desire Number

The Heart’s Desire Number, sometimes referred to as the Soul Urge number – is a number that shows your genuine motivation and goals in life. It can guide you if you’re feeling lost or unsure of your purpose.

The name Atalanta has a heart’s desire number of 4, which means your ambitious nature leads you to seek competitive professions that allow for upward mobility. You view money as a means to achieve security and use it to establish a comfortable and luxurious life. You're highly driven to create a happy, stable family and a solid partnership. However, finding a work-life balance can be challenging for you, as you're not typically relaxed or spontaneous. Ensure your life isn't solely focused on work—seek a career that enables enjoyment alongside success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of the name Atalanta?
The meaning of Atalanta is .

Gender of the name Atalanta?
Typically, Atalanta is a girl‘s name.

What is the origin of the name Atalanta?
The name Atalanta origin is Greek mythology name.

How do you pronounce Atalanta?
The name “Atalanta” is pronounced as as: at-uh-LAN-tuh.

What is Destiny Number of the name Atalanta?
The Destiny Number of Atalanta is 7.

Come back in the near future. We will continue to update the information and interesting facts about name Atalanta.

Last update: June 2024

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